I want to pray for her. But where do I begin? Do I put myself in her place? No! Her place is a mess! I must put myself in God’s place. I can’t fix her broken heart. She can’t fix it either. But God can. So I will pray. And soon she will come running home to Him.Men always ought to pray and not lose heart.
——Luke 18:1 祂的处境——她的处境我想为她祷告。我该从哪里开始?我是否设身处地为她着想?没有!她的处境是一团糟!我必须把自己放在神的手中。我不能修复她破碎的心。她也不能。但神能。所以我要为她祷告。很快她就会奔回神的怀抱。……常常祷告,不可灰心。 ——路加福音 18:1