胜利思维 | 为着得胜赞美祂——第30篇

胜利思维 | 为着得胜赞美祂——第30篇

唯你救了我们脱离敌人…. 我们要永远称谢你的名(诗篇 44:7—8)






Champion | Praise him for the victory 

But you will give us victory over our enemies… and we will praise your name forever (Psalm 44:7-8)

God has commanded victory to be yours! And when God commands something, it’s going to happen! When God commanded light to come, light came at 186000 miles per second— and light is still coming!

God has commanded that we live in victory. That means no matter what you‘re going through, no matter how dark it looks, you can be encouraged that the darkness has to give way to light. Defeat had to give way to victory! But in order to open that door to victory, we must continually do what the psalmist did and constantly praise His name. Don’t go around talking about your failure; speak words of faith and victory! Quit worrying and start worshipping! Start praising and thanking God, and expect things to change in your favor.

God will take you places that you’ve never even dreamed of, and you’ll start experiencing the victories that He’s commanded to be yours!

Prayer for Today:

Oh Heavenly Father, I praise You today for the promise of victory in my life! Thank You for Your Word and the precious blood of Your Son, Jesus, that causes me to overcome in every area of life. With the fruit of my lips, I will praise You all day long!