胜利思维 | 让上帝为你辩护——第28篇

胜利思维 | 让上帝为你辩护——第28篇






Champion | Let God Defend You——NO.28

God is a just God and He will repay the exact compensation owed you. He will settle and solve the cases of his people. (Hebrews 10:30)

Are you dealing with an “unsolved case” from your past that needs resolution? Are you waiting for your day of justice or repayment? God promises in His Word that He is your Vindicator. He is your Defender. He will settle your case and repay everything the enemy has stolen. But in order to allow Christ to settle your debts, you have to forgive others in the same way Jesus forgave you when you were guilty of sin. You have to release those who have wronged you from what you think they owe you. That’s true forgiveness—freeing others, so that you can be free.

As you walk and live in forgiveness, you show that you have faith in God to be your Defender. God will honor your faith in Him and move in on your behalf, every single time!

Prayer for Today:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being my Defender. I ask You right now to search my heart and show me any areas that I have not released to You. Help me forgive those who have wronged me so that I may be free to live in victory.