胜利思维 | 避免失和——第24篇
Champion | Avoid Strife_No.24
For where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is strife and every evil work…(James 3:16)
Are you praying and seeking God for a change in your life? Does there seem to be an invisible roadblock preventing you from experiencing God’s blessing and favor to the fullest?
The Bible tells us that when we hold to strife, it brings confusion. Strife opens the door to every evil work of the enemy (James 3:16). Strife can creep in like a cancer to steal your peace, destroy relationships and extinguish hope. You must constantly stay on guard against strife and make the decision to walk in love and peace. Keeping strife out of your life is a vital key to living the abundant life God has in store for you!
Follow the example of Jesus and let your words and actions bring life to those around you. Focus more on loving people than proving your point. As you honor and prefer others and lay your own opinion aside, you’ll discover a level of peace and rest you’ve never experienced before—and new levels of victory and abundance!
Prayer for Today:
Dear Father, show me where I may be harboring and strife of selfishness in my heart. I repent of any attitude that is unpleasing to You and blocks the flow of Your Spirit in my life. Show me how I can demonstrate Your love to others this day and use me as a catalyst to bring hope, joy and encouragement to others.